Funeral service for Mrs. Carol Stokes: A funeral service for Carol Stokes will be held at Christ Risen on Saturday, January 25th 2025 at 11:00 am. A celebration of life and luncheon will follow the service. Please remember the Stokes family in your prayers. [January 2025]


Funeral service for Mrs. Beverly Kritsch: A funeral service for will be held at Holy Redeemer Parish on Thursday, November 7th 2024 at 11:00 am. Please remember Stephen Kritsch and family in your prayers. [November 2024]


Funeral service for Rose Nas de Tourris: A funeral service for Rose will be held at Christ Risen on Friday, June 7th, 2024. The service will begin at 11:00 am. A luncheon will follow the service. At this time, we need volunteers for setup and cleanup. If you are able to help, please contact Annabelle Wenzel. [June 2024]


Funeral service for Mrs. Pauline Wappler: A funeral service for Mrs. Pauline Wappler will be held at Christ Risen on Thursday, April 18th, 2024. The service will begin at 11:00 am. There will be refreshments served following the service. [April 2024]


Nominations for church council: Our congregation is actively seeking nominations for next year’s church council. If you’d like to serve the Lord’s house or nominate someone else in the congregation to serve, please speak with Paul Lehman, the Chair of Council. [December 2023]


Revival of the Care Committee and Bible Study: After suspending activity during the COVID-19 epidemic, efforts are being made to revive the Christ Risen Care Committee. If you are interested in volunteering to help with the committee’s work, please contact Annabelle Wenzel or a member of Council. Also, Bible study has begun at 9:30 am prior to the Sunday worship service. A second weekly Bible Study is tentatively scheduled for Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 am starting on November 2nd. The Book of Ruth will be the topic of study. [October 2023]


Pastor Lam’s recent visit to Kanata: Pastor Lam visited Kanata for three days to look for accommodation and attended the Sunday worship service on July 16th. Please pray for a successful search for accommodation for Pastor Lam and his family. Also, please prayerfully consider whether you can provide room and board to the Lam family for a couple of months if his search takes longer than expected or the family is unable to move right away. If you are willing and able to help, please contact Paul Lehman or any other member of church council. [July 2023]


Funeral service for Mrs. Cheryl Gingras: A funeral service for Mrs. Cheryl Gingras will be held at Christ Risen on Saturday, May 13th. Visitation will begin at 10:30 am with the service to follow at 11:00 am. There will be a luncheon following the service. [May 2023]


Kanata Ecumenical Good Friday Walk of the Cross: After a three-year pause due to COVID, the annual Kanata Ecumenical Good Friday Walk of the Cross will take place this year on Good Friday, April 7th.

Trinity Presbyterian Church in Kanata (1817 Richardson Side Road) will host the Walk of the Cross. This edition of The Walk will look a bit different in that it will take place in the large parking lot of Trinity Presbyterian Church. The Walk will include carrying the same cross that has been used since 1985. There will be stops for five Scripture passage readings and communal prayer as in previous years. Start time for this event is 1:00 pm. For more information, see the poster or handbill for this event or call Mark Buccino at 613-327-6565. [April 2023]


Pastor Lam accepts Christ Risen Lutheran Church’s call: Praise be to God! After careful consideration, Pastor Lam has accepted the call to serve as our pastor issued at February 13th’s call meeting. Discussions are ongoing on the date of his installation and when he’ll begin serving the congregation. More details on the timing of these blessed events will appear here when they become available. [March 2023]


Retirement of Pastor Groh: After 45 years of service to the Lutheran Church in Argentina, Canada, the United States, and elsewhere, Pastor Jorge Groh has retired at the end of 2022. For the past six years, he and his wife, Olga, faithfully served the congregation of Christ Risen Lutheran Church in Kanata. The congregation offers their many thanks for their service and God’s blessings in their retirement.

Christ Risen now enters into a period with a pastoral vacancy. Thankfully, Pastor Wayne Geick will serve the congregation as Vacancy Pastor until such time as a new pastor accepts the call to serve. [January 2023]