This page is for recent Special Events announcements. For Special Events that occurred prior to 2024 …… click here
National March for Life: The National March for Life on Parliament Hill is scheduled for May 8th, 2025. As usual, Lutherans for Life – Canada will be participating in the march. A matins service will be held at Christ Risen Lutheran Church with refreshments and snacks prior to proceeding to Parliament Hill. [March 2025]
Ottawa Circuit Forum meeting: The spring meeting of the Ottawa Circuit Forum will be held on Saturday, April 5th between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Locksley (Pembroke). Rev. Jacob Quast, LCC’s New Director of Domestic Missions, will be the guest speaker for the day. More details to follow. [March 2025]
Congregational voters meeting: This Spring’s congregational voters meeting will be held on Sunday, March 23rd. Please plan on staying at church following the worship service and participate in directing the affairs of the church. [March 2025]
LWML Capital Zone meeting: The Capital Zone (Laurentian District) of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is meeting on March 2nd at St. Luke Lutheran Church at 1:00 pm. Please bring a tapestry, Bible, and donation for the delegate fund for the Capital Zone. For additional information, contact Mrs. Pat Geick at 613-264-2932. While light refreshments will be served, you might want to bring a lunch. [March 2025]
Baptism of Ezlynn: Monica and Edgar’s latest addition to their family, Ezlynn, will be baptized during the Sunday worship service on December 8th, 2024. A potluck lunch will follow after the service. There is no sign up sheet for this event and all are welcome! Please bring a dish for the potluck with you. [December 2024]
Congregational voters meeting: This fall’s congregational voters meeting will be held on Sunday, December 1st. Please plan on staying at church following the worship service and participate in directing the affairs of the church. [December 2024]
Fall clean-up day: Members of the congregation are invited to an autumn clean-up of the church parking lot and grounds on Sunday, October 27th at 12:30 pm following the Sunday worship service. Please arrive with a change of clothes (if you wish) as well as a rake and other tools. [October 2024]
Malabar Mission Sunday: On October 20th, Rev. Greg Heidorn, current Malabar Mission Society Project Officer, will preach the sermon and reflect on the evangelical and mission work of the Malabar Mission Society in India. Please plan on attending and hearing about the current state of this Lutheran Church Canada ministry. A luncheon will be served following the service. Please sign up on the sheet in the Fellowship Hall if you will be attending lunch. A free will offering will be collected at the luncheon. [October 2024]
Ottawa Circuit Forum meeting: The Fall meeting of the Ottawa Circuit Forum will be held on Saturday, October 19th between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Ottawa. See the Ottawa Circuit Forum website for more details about the presentation from Guest Speaker, Rev. Padre Vic Morris, and the session topics. [October 2024]
Congregational voters meeting: This Summer’s congregational voters meeting will be held on Sunday, June 23rd. Please plan on staying at church following the worship service and participate in directing the affairs of the church. One of the items on the agenda for this meeting is to review the Guidelines for the Administration of the: Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Christian Wedding, & Christian Funeral document. [June 2024]
EDLYA event: Christ Risen Lutheran Church is hosting the next retreat of the East District Lutheran Young Adults (EDLYA) from May 31st to June 2nd. The mission of the EDLYA is to foster fellowship and growth among young adults (aged between 18 and 35) who are members of the East Region of Lutheran Church Canada. For additional information about the retreat and to register, see the EDLYA website. [May 2024]
Rev. Mike Kuhn of the Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada: Rev. Mike Kuhn, who works in Cameroon, will serve as guest preacher and give a special presentation on the work of the Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada on May 26th during the Bible study and after the Sunday service. Please plan on attending and hearing about the progress his ministry is making among the saints abroad. [May 2024]
Ottawa Circuit Forum meeting: The Spring meeting of the Ottawa Circuit Forum will be held on Saturday, May 11th at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Petawawa. The Guest Speaker will be Rev. Mark L. Smith. See the Ottawa Circuit Forum website for more details about the topics for the three sessions to be held that day as well as an online registration form. [April 2024]
National March for Life: The National March for Life on Parliament Hill is scheduled for May 9th, 2024. As usual, Lutherans for Life – Canada will be participating in the march. An Ascension Day service will be held at Christ Risen Lutheran Church at 10:00 am followed by refreshments and snacks prior to proceeding to Parliament Hill. [April 2024]
Spring clean-up day: Members of the congregation are invited to a spring clean-up of the church parking lot and grounds on Sunday, April 28th following the Sunday worship service. Please arrive with a change of clothes (if you wish) as well as a rake and other tools. Snacks and refreshments will be available following the service and prior to the cleaning-up activities. Yard waste bags will be supplied. [April 2024]
Congregational voters meeting: This Spring’s congregational voters meeting will be held on Sunday, March 24th. Please plan on staying at church following the Palm Sunday worship service. Snacks and refreshments will be served. [February 2024]
Estate planning presentation: Mr. James Krestick, Gift Coordinator with Lutheran Foundation Canada, will give a presentation about estate planning on January 28th following the Sunday worship service. The presentation will be approximately one hour in length. Snacks and refreshments will be served. [January 2024]