We invite you to explore the diverse range of Christian information found on the web. Please take a moment to search and discover the many Lutheran resources available over the Internet.
Bible resources
- LCC Bible Studies
- LCMS Bible Studies
- Bible Gateway – Verse of the Day
Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) links
- Lutheran Church–Canada
- The Canadian Lutheran online
- Église Luthérienne du Canada
- L’Institut liturgique luthérien francophone
- Ottawa Circuit of Lutheran Church–Canada
- Lutheran Church–Canada Resources for Life
- Commemoration cards – Remembering the saints of the Church
- Lutheran Theological Review from Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary
Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) links
- Daily Devotion – Daily Broadcast
- The Lutheran Hour – Weekly Broadcast
- Ministère de L’Heure Luthérienne du Canada
- The Lutheran Hour – Radio broadcasts in Canada
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) links
- Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- Concordia Publishing House Blog
- The Lutheran Witness Magazine
- Concordia Publishing House
- Luther’s Small Catechism
- Project Wittenberg
- Portals of Prayer
Please note that the sites not operated by Lutheran Church–Canada, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, or Lutheran Hour Ministries may not always fully express the views held by Christ Risen Lutheran Church.
Sites operated by other Lutheran organizations
- LAMP Ministry
- The Malabar Mission Society
- International Lutheran Council
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief
- Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada
- Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada
- Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – America
Lutheran radio, podcasts, and videos
- Issues, Etc. – Lutheran talk radio
- Lutheran Public Radio – Sacred music
- KFUO Radio – Radio voice of the LCMS
- Ask the Pastor on YouTube with Pastor Sullivan
- Just and Sinner podcast with Dr. Jordan B. Cooper
- Just and Sinner on YouTube with Dr. Jordan B. Cooper
- The Word of the Lord Endures Forever with Pastor Will Weedon
- Concord Matters – Weekly podcast studying the Lutheran Confession of Faith as found in the Book of Concord
Other Christian media links
- Christianity Today – Evangelical media
- First Things – Journal of Religion & Public Life