Welcome to Christ Risen Lutheran Church!


Christ Risen Lutheran Church Sunday worship videos

Daily Devotion podcast from Lutheran Hour Ministries

Liturgical calendar for 2024 from the Seminaries of Lutheran Church–Canada in PDF


Welcome to our Church Family … and Thank You for visiting the home page of Christ Risen Lutheran Church.  Our Lutheran Church–Canada-affiliated church is located at 85 Leacock Drive, Kanata, Ontario.  Please take a moment to explore the various menus and learn more about our church community, Bible-based beliefs, and Word and Sacrament ministry.

Please join us on Sunday mornings for worship, fellowship, music, and inspiration.

Sunday worship with Pastor Lam (with Holy Communion*) October 20th. Service at 10:30 am
Sunday worship with Pastor Lam (with Holy Communion*) October 27th. Service at 10:30 am
Sunday worship with Pastor Lam (with Holy Communion*) November 3rd. Service at 10:30 am
Sunday worship with Pastor Lam (with Holy Communion*) November 10th. Service at 10:30 am
Sunday worship with Pastor Lam (with Holy Communion*) November 17th. Service at 10:30 am
Sunday worship with Pastor Lam (with Holy Communion*) November 24th. Service at 10:30 am

* If you are not yet a member of the congregation at Christ Risen, please contact the Pastor before receiving Holy Communion during Worship.

If you desire prayers or require visitation, please feel free to contact the pastor, Rev. Milton Lam, at 613-592-1546


What’s new at Christ Risen Lutheran Church

Choir practice for autumn has resumed on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. New members are welcome.

The Fall meeting of the Ottawa Circuit Forum is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, for more details …… click here.

For information about the Malabar Mission Sunday worship service on Oct. 20th and Fall clean-up day scheduled for October 27th …… click here.

For a calendar of worship services, meetings, and other events this month  …… click here.

Pastor Lam will be on vacation from September 16th until October 15th. Please contact an elder with any spiritual concerns. For emergency pastoral services, please contact Rev. Astley of St. Luke at his office phone number 613-749-1731.

For a biography of Christ Risen’s pastor, Rev. Milton Lam  …… click here.

On this day …

The Church commemorates Ignatius of Antioch, Pastor and Martyr, on October 17th. The LCMS document of Commemoration Biographies describes Ignatius of Antioch as follows: Ignatius was the bishop of Antioch in Syria at the beginning of the second century A.D. and an early Christian martyr. Near the end of the reign of the Roman emperor Trajan (98–117), Ignatius was arrested, taken in chains to Rome, and eventually thrown to the wild beasts in the arena. On the way to Rome, he wrote letters to the Christians at Ephesus, Magnesia, Tralles, Rome, Philadelphia, and Smyrna, and also to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. In the letters, which are beautifully pastoral in tone, Ignatius warned against certain heresies (false teachings). He also repeatedly stressed the full humanity and deity of Christ, the reality of Christ’s bodily presence in the Lord’s Supper, the supreme authority of the bishop, and the unity of the Church found in her bishops. Ignatius was the first to use the word catholic to describe the universality of the Church. His Christ-centeredness, his courage in the face of martyrdom, and his zeal for the truth over against false doctrine are a lasting legacy to the Church.

Contact Information


Christ Risen Lutheran Church
85 Leacock Drive
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
K2K 1S5



General Email


Pastor’s Email
